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Profile photo of Brian Kelly

Brian Kelly

Senior Research Program Leader

IU Bloomington
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Brian C Kelly is Professor of Sociology. His research examines contextual and policy influences on adolescent and young adult health, mainly focusing on substance use, sexual health, and mental health. He has authored papers in sociology journals such as Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Social Science Research, Social Science & Medicine, and Social Problems, as well as health journals, such as the American Journal of Public Health, American Journal of Psychiatry, Addiction, & American Journal of Preventive Medicine. The foci of his current research projects include the influence of policy contexts on youth substance use trajectories, sibling influences of substance use, and the impact of disasters on substance use and mental health. He currently serves as Senior Editor at Addiction.

Selected Publications

Cannabis policy liberalization is only associated with increased blunt use if states lack strong tobacco control

E-cigarette use among early adolescent tobacco cigarette smokers: testing the disruption and entrenchment hypotheses in two longitudinal cohorts

Hemp-based psychoactive use and risk among young adults: Trend theory, policy, and regulation beyond legality

Household vaping bans and youth e-cigarette use

Sibling Disclosure and Adolescents' Coping From Before to During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Study