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Beyond Rational Choice: The Social Dynamics of How People Seek Help.

B.A. Pescosolido

American Journal of Sociology 97(4):1096-1138


Illness Careers and Network Ties: A Conceptual Model of Utilization and Compliance.

B.A. Pescosolido

Advances in Medical Sociology 2:161-184


Society and the Balance of Professional Dominance and Patient Autonomy in Medical Care.

B.A. Pescosolido

Indiana Law Journal 96(4):1115-1122


Communities of Care: A Theoretical Perspective on Case Management Models in Mental Health.

B.A. Pescosolido, E.R. Wright, and W.P. Sullivan

Advances in Medical Sociology 6:37-79


Health, Illness, and Healing in an Uncertain Era: Challenges From and For Medical Sociology.

B.A. Pescosolido, J.C. Kronenfeld

Journal of Health and Social Behavior Extra Issue: 5-33


Bringing the 'Community' into Utilization Models: How Social Networks Link Individuals to Changing Systems of Care.

B.A. Pescosolido

Research in the Sociology of Health Care 13A:171-197


Critical Ingredients of Assertive Community Treatment: Judgments of Experts.

J. McGrew, G. Bond

Journal of Mental Health Administration 22:113-125


Client Perspectives on Helpful Ingredients of Assertive Community Training.

J.C. McGrew, R.G. Wilson, G.R. Bond

*Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal *19(3):13-21


Professional Work in Public and Private Settings: The Use and Evaluation of the *DSM* in Psychiatric Units.

B.A. Pescosolido, A. Figert, K. Lubell

Current Research on Occupation and Professions 9:31-52


Medical Sociology and the Study of Severe Mental Illness: Reflections on Past Accomplishments and Directions for Future Research.

J.A. Cook, E.R. Wright

Journal of Health and Social Behavior 35:95-114


Choice of Health Insurance by Families of the Mentally Ill.

P. Deb, V. Wlcox-Göx, A. Holmes, J. Rubin

Health Economics 5(1): 61-76


New Ethical Challenges to Mental Health Services Research in the Era of Community-Based Care.

E.R. Wright, B.A. Pescosolido, R. Levin Penslar

Journal of Mental Health Administration 24(2): 139-151


The Human and Organizational Markers of Health System Change: Framing Studies of Hospital Downsizing and Closure.

B.A. Pescosolido, E.R. Wright, J. McGrew, D.J. Mesch, A. Hohmann, W.P. Sullivan, D. Haugh, R. DeLiberty, E.C. McDonel

Research in the Sociology of Health Care 14:69-95


The Closing of Central State Hospital: An Alliance of Academic and Government Collaboration.

E.R. Wright, T.F. White, R.N. DeLiberty.

Pp. 169-176 in Building Community: Social Science in Action. P. Nyden, A. Figert, M. Shilby, D. Burrows, eds.


Implementing State-Level Mental Health Policy Reforms in Indiana: Closing a State-Operated Psychiatric Hospital and Passing Major Mental Health Reform Legislation.

E.C. McDonel, L. Meyer, R. DeLiberty

International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 19(3/4): 239-264


Personal Networks and Anomie: Exploring the Sources and Significance of Gender Composition.

E.R. Wright

Sociological Focus 28(3): 261-282


The Impact of Organizational Factors on Mental Health Professionals' Involvement With Families.

E.R. Wright

Psychiatric Services 48: 921-927


Gendered Perceptions of Dependency in Discussions of Mental Illness.

J.E. Artis

Journal of Health & Social Behavior 38(December): 387-402


Can We Conceptualize and Measure Continuity of Care in Individual Episodes? The Case of Mental Health Services in Puerto Rico.

M. Alegría, B.A. Pescosolido, D. Santos, M. Vera

Sociological Focus 30(2): 113-129


Saying Goodbye to Midwest State: Notes on Leavetaking and Institutions.

C. Brooks Gardner and W.P. Gronfein

Perspectives on Social Problems 10: 249-266


Developing a Public Mental Health Report Card: The Hoosier Assurance Plan Provider Profile Report Card,

R.N. DeLiberty

Managed Care Quarterly 6(1): 1-7


How People Get Into Mental Health Services: Stories of Choice, Coercion, and 'Muddling Through' from 'First-Timers.'

B.A. Pescosolido, C. Brooks Gardner, K.M. Lubell

Social Science and Medicine 46(2): 275-286


Substitution of Physicians and Other Providers in Outpatient Mental Health Care.

P. Deb and A.M. Holmes

Health Economics 7: 347-361


Factors Influencing Informal Care-giving.

A. Holmes and P. Deb

Journal of Mental Health Policy & Economics. 1:77-87


Social Networks and Patterns of Use Among the Poor with Mental Health Problems in Puerto Rico.

B.A. Pescosolido, E.R. Wright, M. Alegría, M. Vera

Medical Care 36(7): 1057-1072


Help Seeking for Mental Health Care Among Poor Puerto Ricans: Problem Recognition, Service Use, and Type of Provider,

M. Vera, M. Alegría, D.H. Freeman, Jr., R. Robles, B. Pescosolido, M. Peña

Medical Care 36(7): 1047-1056


The Formal Mental Health Care Burden Among Recently Deinstitutionalized Patients

P. Deb and A.M. Holmes

Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research 25(3): 346-356


Decisions and Justifications by Community Mental Health Providers About Hypothetical Ethical Dilemmas.

D.V. Perkins, B.L. Hudson, D.M. Gray, and M. Stewart

Psychiatric Services 49(10): 1317-1322


The Social Network Context of Caregiving in Mental Illness.

E.R. Wright.

Research Community and Mental Health 9: 227-250


Public Conceptions of Mental Illness: Labels, Causes, Dangerousness and Social Distance,

B. Link, J. Phelan, M. Bresnahan, A. Stueve, and B.A. Pescosolido

American Journal of Public Health 89(9): 1328-1333


The Public's View of the Competence, Dangerousness, and Need for Legal Coercion Among Persons with Mental Illness,

B.A. Pescosolido, J. Monahan, B. Link, A. Stueve, and S. Kikuzawa

American Journal of Public Health 89(9): 1339-1345


The Effects of Hospital Closure on Mental Health Workers: An Overview of Employment, Mental and Physical Health, and Attitudinal Outcomes,

D.J. Mesch, J.H. McGrew, B.A. Pescosolido, and D. Haugh

Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research 26(3): 305-317


The Changing Hopes, Worries and Community Supports of Individuals Moving from a Closing Long-Term Care Facility.

B.A. Pescosolido, E.R. Wright, and K. Lutfey.

*Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research *26(3): 276-288


'Stakeholder' Attitudes Over Time Toward the Closing of a State Hospital.

B.A. Pescosolido, E.R. Wright, and S. Kikuzawa

Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research 26(3): 318-328


Public Conceptions of Mental Illness in 1950 and 1996: What is Mental Illness and is it to be Feared?

J.C. Phelan, B.G. Link, A. Stueve, and B.A. Pescosolido

Journal of Health and Social Behavior 41(2): 188-207


Responses to 'Nervous Breakdowns' in America over a 40-year Period: Mental Health Policy Implications.

R. Swindle, K. Heller, B.A. Pescosolido, and S. Kikuzawa

American Psychologist 55(7): 740-749


Of Fear and Loathing: The Role of 'Disturbing Behavior,' Labels, and Causal Attributions in Shaping Public Attitudes Toward People with Mental Illness,

J.K. Martin, B.A. Pescosolido, and S.A. Tuch

Journal of Health and Social Behavior 41(2): 208-223


Nature, Nurture, Neither, Nor?: Black-White Differences in Beliefs about the Causes and Appropriate Treatment of Mental Illness.

J. Schnittker, J. Freese, and B. Powell

Social Forces 78(3): 1101-30


Gender and Reactions to Psychological Problems: An Examination of Social Tolerance and Perceived Dangerousness.

J. Schnittker

Journal of Health and Social Behavior 41(2): 224-240


Closing of a State Hospital: An Overview and Framework for a Case Study,

J.H. McGrew, E.R. Wright, B.A. Pescosolido

Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research 26(3): 236-245


The Closing of Central State Hospital: Long-Term Outcomes for Persons with Severe Mental Illness,

J.J. McGrew, E.R. Wright, B.A. Pescosolido, and E.C. McDonel

Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research 26(3): 246-261


Fiscal Outcomes of the Closing of Central State Hospital: An Analysis of the Costs to State Government,

E.R. Wright

Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research 26(3): 262-275


The Family Experience of Deinstitutionalization: Insights from the Closing of Central State Hospital.

E.R. Wright, G. Avirappattu, and J.E. Lafuze.

Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research 26(3): 289-304


Health and Self-Care Practices of Persons with Schizophrenia.

S.K. Holmberg and C. Kane

Psychiatric Services 50(6): 827-829


Ambient Sound Levels in a State Psychiatric Hospital,

S.K. Holmberg, S. Coon

Archives of Psychiatric Nursing XIII (3): 117-126


The Social Dynamics of Responding to Mental Health Problems: Past, Present and Future Challenges to Understanding Individuals' Use of Services,

B.A. Pescosolido, C.A. Boyer, & K.M. Lubell.

Pp. 441-460 in C.S. Aneshensel & J.C. Phelan (Eds.),* Handbook of the Sociology of Mental Health*. Kulwer Academic/Plenum Publishers


The Dimensionality of Stigma: A Comparison of its Impact on the Self of Persons with HIV/AIDS and Cancer,

B.L. Fife, & E.R. Wright.

Journal of Health and Social Behavior 41(March): 50-67


Deinstitutionalization, Social Rejection, and the Self-Esteem of Former Mental Patients,

E.R. Wright, W.P. Gronfein, & T.J. Owens

Journal of Health and Social Behavior 41(March): 68-90


Poverty and Child Emotional and Behavioral Problems: Racial/Ethnic Differences in Processes and Effects.

J.D. McLeod & J.M. Nonnemaker

Journal of Health and Social Behavior 41(2): 137-161


The American Health Care System: Entering the Twenty-first Century with High Risk, Major Challenges, and Great Opportunities.

B.A. Pescosolido & C.A. Boyer.

Pp. 180-198 in W.C. Cockerham (Ed.),The Blackwell Companion to Medical Sociology. Blackwell Publishers


Determinants of Antidepressant Treatment Compliance: Implications for Policy.

M. Tai-Seale, T.W. Croghan, & R. Obenchain

Medical Care Research and Review 57(4): 491-512


The Profession of Medicine and the Public: Examining Americans' Changing Confidence in Physician Authority from the Beginning of the 'Health Care Crisis' to the Era of Health Care Reform.

B.A. Pescosolido, S.A. Tuch, & J.K. Martin

Journal of Health and Social Behavior 42(March): 1-16


The Controversy of Increased Spending for Antidepressants.

T.W. Croghan

Health Affairs 20(2): 129-135


A Family Network-Based Model of Access to Child Mental Health Services.

E.J. Costello, B.A. Pescosolido, A. Angold, & B.J. Burns

Research in Community and Mental Health 9: 165-190


The Web of Group Affiliations Revisited: Social Life, Postmodernism, and Sociology.

B.A. Pescosolido & B.A. Rubin

American Sociological Review 65(February): 52-76


Predicting Work Outcomes and Service Use in Supported Employment Services for Persons with Psychiatric Disabilities.

C.J. Jones, D.V. Perkins, & D.L. Born.

Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal 25(1): 53-59


Social Status Determinants of Control in Individuals' Accounts of Their Mental Illness.

E.J. Maher & A. Kroska

Social Science and Medicine 55:949-961


Sorry, I Forgot: The Role of Recall Error in Longitudinal Personal Network Studies.

E.R. Wright & B.A. Pescosolido

Social Networks & Health 8: 113-129


Risk Adjustment in the Hoosier Assurance Plan: Impact on Providers.

R.N. DeLiberty, F.L. Newman, & E.O. Ward

Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research 28(3): 301-318


Case Manager Perspectives on Assertive Community Treatment: Critical Ingredients, Clinical Ingredients, and Variations in Implementation.

J. McGrew, B.A. Pescosolido, & E.R. Wright

Psychiatric Services 54: 370-376


The Effect of Chronic Illness on the Psychological Health of Family Members.

A.M. Holmes & P. Deb

The Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics 6: 13-22


The Role of Social Networks in Health, Illness, Disease and Healing: The Accepting Present, The Forgotten Past, and the Dangerous Potential For A Complacent Future.

B.A. Pescosolido & J.A. Levy.

Social Networks and Health 8: 3-25


The Effect of Organizational Climate on the Climate Care of Patients With Mental Health Problems.

E.R. Wright, B. Linde, N.L. Rau, M. Gayman, & T. Viggiano

Journal of Emergency Nursing 29(4): 314-321


The Public's Opinions of Physicians: Do Perceived Choice and Exercised Choice Matter?

M. Tai-Seale & B.A. Pescosolido

The American Journal of Managed Care 9: 631-638


The View From Two Worlds: The Convergence of Social Network Reports Between Mental Health Clients and Their Ties.

B.A. Pescosolido & E.R. Wright

Social Science and Medicine 58: 1795-1806


Public Attitudes Toward the Use of Psychiatric Medications for Children.

J.D. McLeod, B.A. Pescosolido, D.T. Takeuchi, & T.F. White.

Journal of Health and Social Behavior 45: 53-67


Performance Assessment in Community Mental Health Care and At-Risk Populations.

A.M. Holmes & P. Deb

Health Care Financing Review 26:1 75-84


Misgivings of Medicine?: African Americans' Skepticism of Psychiatric Medication.

J. Schnittker

Journal of Health and Social Behavior 44: 506-524


Cultural Authority and the Sovereignty of American Medicine: The Role of Networks, Class and Community.

B.A. Pescosolido & J.K. Martin

The Journal of Health Politics, Policy, and Law 29 (Nos. 4-5, August - October): 735-756


Are African Americans Really Less Willing to Use Health Care?

J. Schnittker, B.A. Pescosolido, & T.W. Croghan

Social Problems 52(2): 255-271


Medical Students' Attitudes Toward Mental Disorders Before and After a Psychiatric Rotation.

S.W. Galka, D.V. Perkins, N. Butler, D.A. Griffith, A.D. Schmetzer, G. Avirappattu, & J.E. Lafuze,

Academic Psychiatry 29: 357-361


Building a Model to Understand Youth Service Access: The Gateway Provider Model.

A.R. Stiffman, B.A. Pescosolido, & L.J. Cabassa

Mental Health Services Research 6(4): 189-198


Of Pride and Prejudice: The Role of Sociology and Social Networks in Integrating the Health Sciences.

B.A. Pescosolido

Journal of Health and Social Behavior 47(September): 189-208


The Construction of Fear: Americans' Preferences for Social Distance From Children and Adolescents with Mental Health Problems.

J.K. Martin, B.A. Pescosolido, S. Olafsdottir, & J.D. McLeod

Journal of Health and Social Behavior 48(March): 50-67


Culture, Children, and Mental Health Treatment: Special Section on the National Stigma Study- Children.

B.A. Pescosolido

Psychiatric Services 58(5): 611-612


Stigmatizing Attitudes and Beliefs About Treatment and Psychiatric Medications for Children and Mental Illness.

B.A. Pescosolido, D.L. Fettes, J.K. Martin, J.D. McLeod, & P.S. Jensen

Psychiatric Services 58(5): 613-618


Perceived Dangerousness of Children with Mental Health Problems and Support for Coerced Treatment.

B.A. Pescosolido, D.L. Fettes, J.K. Martin, J. Monahan, & J.D. McLeod

Psychiatric Services 58(5): 619-625


Public Knowledge, Beliefs, and Treatment Preferences Concerning Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

J.D. McLeod, D.L. Fettes, P.S. Jensen, B.A. Pescosolido, & J.K. Martin

Psychiatric Services 58(5): 626-631


Comparison of Public Attributions, Attitudes, and Stigma in Regard to Depression Among Children and Adults.

B.L. Perry, B.A. Pescosolido, J.K. Martin, J.D. McLeod, & P.S. Jensen

Psychiatric Services 58(5) 632-635


Mental Illness Careers in an Era of Change.

E.K. Pavalko, C.M. Harding, and B.A. Pescosolido

Social Problems 54(4): 504-522


Public Knowledge and Assessment of Child Mental Health Problems: Findings from the National Stigma Study-Children.

B.A. Pescosolido, P. Jensen, J.K. Martin, B. Perry, S. Olafsdottir, & D. Fettes

Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 47(3): 339-349


A Fresh Look at Recovery.

B.A. Pescosolido

Psychiatric Services 59(1): 5


Rethinking Theoretical Approaches to Stigma: A Framework Integrating Normative Influences on Stigma (FINIS).

B.A. Pescosolido, J.K. Martin, A. Lang, & S. Olafsdottir

Social Science and Medicine 67: 431-440


Similar Pressures, Different Contexts: Public Attitudes Toward Government Intervention for Health Care in 21 Nations.

S. Kikuzawa, S. Olafsdottir, & B.A. Pescosolido.

*Journal of Health and Social Behavior *49(December); 385-399


Under the Influence of Genetics: How Transdisciplinarity Leads Us to Rethink Social Pathways to Illness.

B.A. Pescosolido, B.L. Perry, J.L. Long, J.K. Martin, J.I. Nurnberger, & V. Hesselbrock

American Journal of Sociology 114(Suppl.): S171-S201


What Do American Adults Think of Children's Mental Health Problems? Findings and Lessons From the First National Study.

B.A. Pescosolido & J.K. Martin

Focal Point 23(1): 8-10


Drawing the Line: The Cultural Cartography of Utilization Recommendations for Mental Health Problems.

S. Olafsdottir & B.A. Pescosolido.

*Journal of Health and Social Behavior *50(2): 228-244


Unexamined Discourse: The Outcomes Movement as a Shift from Internal Medical Assessment to Health Communication.

B.A. Pescosolido, T. Croghan, & J. Howell.

Pp. 41-64 in D. Brashers & D. Goldsmith (Eds.), Communicating to Manage Health and Illness, Routledge


Review: *Divide and Conquer: A Comparative History of Medical Specialization. By George Weisz.*

B.A. Pescosolido

American Journal of Sociology114(1): 236-238


'A Disease Like Any Other'? A Decade of Change in Public Reactions to Schizophrenia, Depression, and Alcohol Dependence.

B.A. Pescosolido, J.K. Martin, J.S. Long, T.R. Medina, J.C. Phelan, & B.G. Link

American Journal of Psychiatry 167(11): 1321-1330


Functional Specificity in Discussion Networks: The Influence of general and Problem-Specific Networks on Health Outcomes.

B.L. Perry & B.A. Pescosolido

Social Networks 32: 345-357


The Cultural Turn in Sociology: Can It Help Us Resolve an Age-Old Problem in Understanding Decision-Making for Health Care?

B.A. Pescosolido & S. Olafsdottir

Sociological Forum 25(4): 655-676


The American Health Care System: Beginning the Twenty-First Century with High Resk, Major Challenges, and Great Opportunities.

B.A. Pescosolido & C.A. Boyer.

Pp. 391-411 in W.C. Cockerham (Ed.), The New Blackwell Companion to Medical Sociology. Wiley-Blackwell


Responses to the Onset of Mental Health Problems: Issues and Findings from Research on Illness Behaviour and the Use of Health Services.

B.A. Pescosolido.

Pp. 307-316 in C. Morgan & D. Bhugra (Eds.), Principles of Social Psychiatry, 2nd Edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd


Constructing Illness: How the Public in Eight Western Nations Responds to a Clinical Description of 'Schizophrenia'.

S. Olafsdottir & B.A. Pescosolido

Social Science and Medicine 73: 929-938


Pathways to Care: Narratives of American Indian Adolescents Entering Substance Abuse Treatment.

D.K. Novins, P. Spicer, A. Fickenscher, & B.A. Pescosolido

Social Science and Medicine 74: 2037-2045


Social Network Dynamics and Biographical Disruption: The Case of 'First-Timers' with Mental Illness.

B.A. Pescosolido

American Journal of Sociology 118(1): 134-175


The Public Stigma of Mental Illness: What Do We Think; What Do We Know; What Can We Prove?

B.A. Pescosolido

Journal of Health and Social Behavior 54(1): 1-21


The 'Backbone' of Stigma: Identifying the Global Core of Public Prejudice Associated with Mental Illness.

B.A. Pescosolido, T.R. Medina, J.K. Martin, & J.S. Long

American Journal of Public Health 103: 853-860


Beyond Dichotomies: Confronting the Complexity of How and Why Individuals Come or Do Not Come to Mental Health Care.

B.A. Pescosolido & S. Olafsdottir

World Psychiatry 12(3): 269-271


Gender-Specific Gene-Environment Interaction in Alcohol Dependence: The Impact of Daily Life Events and GABRA2.

B.L. Perry, B.A. Pescosolido, K. Bucholz, H. Edenberg, J. Kramer, S. Kuperman, M.A. Schuckit, & J.I. Nurnberger, Jr

Behavior Genetics 43(5): 402-414


Stigma, Discrimination, Treatment Effectiveness, and Policy: Public Views About Drug Addiction and Mental Illness.

C.L. Barry, E.E. McGinty, B.A. Pescosolido, & H.H. Goldman

Psychiatric Services 65(10): 1269-1272


Portraying Mental Illness and Drug Addiction as Treatable Health Conditions: Effects of A Randomized Experiment on Stigma and Discrimination.

E.E. McGinty, H.H. Goldman, B.A. Pescosolido, & C.L. Barry

Social Science & Medicine 126: 73-85


Social Network Activation: The Role of Health Discussion Partners in Recovery from Mental Illness.

B.L. Perry & B.A. Pescosolido

Social Science & Medicine 125: 116-128


The Theory of Industrial Society and Cultural Schemata: Does the 'Cultural Myth of Stigma' Underlie the WHO Schizophrenia Paradox?

B.A. Pescosolido, J.K. Martin, S. Olafsdottir, J.S. Long, K Kafadar, T.R. Medina

American Journal of Sociology 121(3): 783-825


The Beginning of the End? Deploying Rigorous Research in Real-World Settings to Reduce Stigma.

B.A. Pescosolido

Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 55(5): 353-354


At the Intersection of Lay and Professional Social Networks: How Community Ties Shape Perceptions of Mental Health Treatment Providers.

B.L. Perry, E. Pullen, B.A. Pescosolido

Global Mental Health 3, e3, 17pp.