Brea Bailey
Project Manager
- Campus:
- IU Bloomington
- Website:
Brea (BREE) Bailey is the Associate Director of Research for the Observatory on Social Media (OSoMe). Her work surrounds the grant and external funding which supports the research purviews of OSoMe through the pre- and post-award management of our projects. Brea brings to the table her nearly 10 years of externally sponsored funding experience.
Prior to her work with OSoMe, she completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication from Berea College and a Master’s Degree in Media Arts and Sciences from the Media School at Indiana University. She has supported Indiana University’s research efforts since 2015 primarily in the areas of national & global security and intelligence. In 2021, Brea defended and published her Master’s Thesis focusing on the intersections of identity, partisanship, and misinformation.
Outside of her time with the Observatory, Brea enjoys coding, studying architecture and history, reading, and spending time with her family.